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The Definitive Guide
to Classic

Because being a man matters™

The Definitive Guide to Classic Masculinity

BecauSE BEING A MAN matters™


man·hood /ˈmanˌho͝od/
noun: the state or period of being a man rather than a child, with qualities traditionally associated with men, such as courage, strength, and protection


clas·sic /ˈklasik/
adjective: judged over a period of time to be the highest and most outstanding quality of its kind; of recognized and established value


mas·cu·line /ˈmaskyələn/
adjective: having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with men or boys; considered to be characteristic of men; the male sex or gender


gen·tle·man /ˈjen-tᵊl-mən/
noun: a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of correct behavior; a man who is polite and behaves well towards others, especially women

Our Mission:
TO SAVE THE TROUBLED STATE OF MASCULINITY by fostering and celebrating the return of the confident, sophisticated, gentleman of classic refined elegance... one man at a time.
Our Mission:
To save the troubled state of
masculinity by fostering and
celebrating the return of
the confident, sophisticated,
gentleman of refined classic
one man at a time.


man·hood /ˈmanˌho͝od/
noun: the state or period of being a man rather than a child, with qualities associated with men


clas·sic /ˈklasik/
adjective: judged over a period of time to be the most outstanding quality of its kind


mas·cu·line /ˈmaskyələn/
adjective: having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with men or boys


gen·tle·man /ˈjen-tᵊl-mən/
noun: a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of correct behaviour

Code of Manhood: The Pillars

Master the Code. Master Manhood.

Code of

The pillars

Master the Code. Master Manhood.


1. Appearance

Every impression counts, not just the first one.
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2. Body Language

Sit, stand, and move deliberately and with purpose.
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3. Communication

Less talk. More listening. Strong eye contact. Take your time.
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4. Confidence

Remain calm, no matter the circumstance. No exceptions.
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"The future of masculinity lies in its past."

- Code of Manhood

"The future of masculinity lies in its past."

- Code of Manhood


There was an era when guys were real men. True. Honest. Hard-Working. masculine. men.

There was an era when guys were real men.

True. Honest. Hard-Working. Masculine. Men.



The concept of classical masculinity—characterized by strength, discipline, responsibility, and rational thinking—remains vital in today’s world, especially as society shifts toward prioritizing emotional validation over objective truth. Classical masculinity doesn’t negate your emotions but balances them with logic and action. In a hyper-feminized culture where feelings often take precedence, classical masculine traits provide a necessary counterweight that grounds your decision-making in reality and ensures accountability.

Strength, both physical and mental, enables you to protect, support, and persevere in adversity. Discipline fosters the focus and consistency needed to achieve personal and societal goals. Responsibility emphasizes accountability, not only for yourself but for your family and community. Rational thinking ensures decisions are informed by facts, leading to long-term stability and progress.

Ultimately, classical masculinity isn’t about rejecting emotions or sensitivity—it’s about integrating them with the virtues of strength, reason, and responsibility to create a holistic and effective approach to life. In doing so, you can navigate the complexities of modern society while maintaining the integrity, confidence, and purpose needed to thrive.

Welcome to the brotherhood of uncompromising men. 

"A man does not follow the masses; he follows the right way, without exception."
- Unknown

"A man does not follow the masses; he follows the right way. No exceptions."
- Unknown

Shop with Confidence

We partner with the best to bring you the best.

You only have one chance to make that first impression, yet ever impression counts. Craft all of your impressions confidently with clothes, accessories, and grooming products from Code of Manhood’s partners.


What They Say

These guys know what they’re talking about. The Code is set out in a very simple, easy to digest manner with sweet illustrated examples. It really couldn’t be more easily laid out, but implementing the Code is not easy. I’ll be honest. But it’s the only thing I’m focussed on nowadays.

Willy R.

Willy R.

Computer Scientist

I’ve been watching videos and reading various websites for a while but these guys bring it all together in one, simple set of rules to follow. So good. The thing that has transformed by life the most is how I’ve become a better listener, I don’t interrupt like I used to, and making solid eye contact is key.

Jeffrey C.

Jeffrey C.

Sales Manager

I’ve been at this for quite a file before finding this site. It’s been quite the arduous journey but my life is transforming and there’s no looking back. One of the big things I learned here is body language. When I sit down around people in office meetings, I can see that I command more respect with how I position myself and sit “big.”

Alan R.

Alan R.


Blog of Manhood

Blog of Manhood

Chivalry. Respect. Integrity. Without compromise.

"A man does what he must. The circumstances are irrelevant." - Chad Howse

"A man does what he must. The circumstances are irrelevant." - Chad Howse

Our Mission

To save the troubled state of masculinity by fostering and celebrating the return of the confident, sophisticated, gentleman of refined elegance… one man at a time.


Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
London, England, UK Kingdom

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© 2025 Code of Manhood, brought to you by The Renaud Group. All Rights Reserved. 

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